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Working people who come together in a union can bargain for higher wages. Union members are more likely to have employer-provided health insurance, access to paid sick days, and retirement benefits and guaranteed pensions.Together, you and your coworkers can successfully demand and win necessary protections at your workplace, like millions of workers have all over the country.

Fill out the form below to get in touch with an AFSCME Local 3993 workplace organizer.

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What's going on?

Who is AFSCME Local 3993?

AFSCME Local 3993 is a diverse group of Bart Supervisory and Professional people who share a common commitment to serve the public. Our elected officials are members of AFSCME, and we have the expertise, knowledge and experience to advocate for you with the employer. We are there working with you to advocate fairness in the workplace, excellence in public service, and prosperity and opportunity for all working families. We are dedicated to serving the public.

We advocate for the things public workers care about:

  • Higher and more equal pay, we negotiate strong contracts and win wage increases; 
  • Negotiate excellent health and pension benefits on your behalf; 
  • Protect your jobs and give you access to representation for employer disputes; 
  • We enhance and defend your rights and strengthen our communities by providing members a better life. 

What is a union?

Unions are organized workers who stand together to bargain with their employer for better pay, better benefits, vacations, pensions and safer working conditions. We vote and promote laws that protect working people and their families. Individually, workers don’t have much power in the workplace, together we gain strength to collectively influence our employer.

We provide comprehensive support in enforcing contracts, increasing bargaining power, and negotiations.

  • Experienced negotiators that are committed to your outcome; 
  • We complete benefit and salary research to properly adjust the wage band; 
  • We come with legal and professional representation;
  • We provide resources, training, and communication to our members.

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