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Jul 09, 2025Latest News
AFSCME President Lee Saunders praised President Joe Biden in the wake of a debt ceiling deal that averts a default by the U.S. government on its debt while protecting the interests and priorities of working families and retirees. Biden signed the deal into law on Saturday.After President Joe Biden announced he’s running for reelection, AFSCME President Lee Saunders released the following statement today: “President Joe Biden is the most pro-union, pro-worker president of our lifetimes — hands down, no contest. He not only understands the importance of supporting working people, but he is a trade unionist at heart.Public approval of labor unions is at its highest level in 17 years, with nearly two out of three Americans (65%) expressing support of unions, according to the latest Gallup poll. At a time of high unemployment and a public health crisis, 83% of Democrats and nearly half of Republicans (45%) support unions, the poll found.Would-be first lady Dr. Jill Biden is inspiring AFSCME Retirees to protect Social Security against misguided actions like cutting payroll taxes, which would starve the retirement program of badly needed funds.